Friday, October 14, 2011

My Life Today

Stumbled upon my blogger blog here and realized that I haven't entered in it in a while. then I just started to type this without thinking of what to write. How about an update? I mean, the last time I entered was May 15th it looks like. Since then, I had Hip Hop For Humanity (2nd annual) at the Fairview Pub on May 28th, 2011 the last Saturday of May. The line up was a good one. I didn't perform at this one. Panther n tha Supafly, Locution Revolution (from Edmonton), Whizdumb, Ndidi Cascade and Deanna Teeple, Furthermore and Immaculate, David Morin and Tonye Aganaba performed this year and they were all good. There were some communication issues with some artists that may have resulted in a loss of contact with one or two of the band members, however, so goes life.

June and July were filled with cafe jam nights and Soren's gig and fighting with the friend of Laine's that I hung with a couple of times.. goof. Also filled with a hustle for money while trying to not get evicted as Jane would harass me HUGE because I had a cat. The damn cat was there before her and Chris moved in the building and yet, as soon as they realized I wasn't JORDIE (the name on Laine's Lease) and also that they didn't even have Laine on record for living in the building (other than still altering and cashing her cheques every month), they put the pressure on. Notes in the laundry room, on our door, the cat the cat the cat. Poor Fritz. His health was not doing well, he was puking twice a day, it sucked.

Then the beginning of July we gave notice to move and relized that the cost to move was stupid. So, we decided if we would put forth such cost, let's move to a place where we can be happy. So it was a toss up between Winnipeg and Calgary and here I am now... in Calgary. I had no idea what to expect but I came with a plan to work and live for 8 months while Laine finishes school in Vancouver (one weekend a month till feb or mar) then move to Peg City...

I am not sure how that plan will pan out. I LOVE my home, my girl, my truck that I got from Vancouver named Pearl, my cat and my life so far in Calgary. I am cutting it short with the details but, it's been nice to have a fresh start. It's been nice to be able to not have excuses from past or from hate or from paranoia as to why things are NOT working out... all I have now are reasons why things ARE working out. I have contractors and clients who show no reason to be dishonest to me or think of me as dishonest (first contract may have been an exception thanks to Erica... ask me later) and I am slowly working my way into the music scene. Already did a gig at UBU Lounge on the 6th of October.

Will be heading to Jamaica in a couple of weeks... Yay!!! Yikes!!

More to come.....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15th, 2011

So, sitting and creating and coming up with something that I started writing a year ago when I moved into my bachelor pad. You know the one that started out as a dream come true to a landlord/tenant nightmere... (see previous on-going blog.. yup, that one will get really juicy). Well I started writing this track called.. well, let's call it GND. JBass gave me a smooth ass beat and so it began with the story about da GND... I figured... write it real time as I live it. So a year passes now and the focus has been on promotions, performing, community, networking and being responsible for being socially active.

So today I'm trying to remember what I wrote a year ago and it hit me.. all the lyrics, one after the other as I was writing and looping the beat JBass gave me. It my heart fluttered so hard I had to put the pen down and sit up straight.. What was the message? What was the reason for getting all twisted in the gut? Previous reactions and/or thoughts would be negative in nature like... "I remember the plans I had when I moved in there and the million things that got in the way of those plans" or "What if I stayed in that bachelor pad a bachelor" or "Blah Blah Stinkin' Ridiculous Blah"

O R ! ! !

Present reaction. Real Time Real World Reaction. The actual reaction to that sweet twisting emotion deep inside was one of "Wow! What a year!" AND "Wow, things really took a seriously different turn than expected and it is amazing what came out of it, none of which was on that list of plans!" AND " Wow! I would have never thought I would have those opportunites, or had that relationship go that way, or play those shows and experience these things" AND "Wow, this is what it's like get over serious heart break and find . . . " AND "That actually didn't hurt so bad" AND "Dang that day felt so gooood" AND "Holy Smokes time flies like the wind waiting for nothing and nobody to make excuse after excuse" AND "Yup, i'mo live for today Today. Just let it take me where it takes me"

Still make plans and make genuine efforts to see them through or end up a waste of skin and muscle and bones. Learn what you can learn along the way and teach what you can teach in shit you say. Dang, I really wanna see the children in my life. I really really am gonna talk to them, listen to them and spend some time with them. All of them that I can... Taye, Caliyah, Dreyson, Arielle, Zachary, Deja, Sciera, Sunday, Inaijah, Roshan, Will, Lexxa and Chloe and Elizabeth and whatever child that is close to me or close to one close to me... and Aisha/Cullin's boy... Sweet sweet whoever you are.

I'm straying from topic to topic with this smooth loop in my dome. GND close by at rest as the synastria is communicated subconsciously within the unexpected union.... so perfectly going down with perfect in perfections and unexpected ups and downs and ups and downs... shiiiiiiiiiit!

I guess this very note is an example of how I had a plan coming in and it went all kinds of un-expected directions like life did... Like life does. Like we do. Like we are life. Yeah... Ha, like Yeeeeeaaahhh ok, I can dig it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Slum Lords (On Going Blog started on facebook)

December, 06, 2010

So the bailiff left ten minutes ago after informing me that I have lost arbitration and have two days to leave my apartment... This is a long story that begins on April 16th, 2010. No time now but to be continued... this note will get a lot longer.

In the meantime, I will be the first example of legal suit against a realty company... a victorious one!


April 3rd, 2011

I have begun action. Not direct court action but action on gaining control of my straw man SHAWN FRAZER EST. in doing this, I will relieve myself/free myself of the pressures imposed upon me by this false system so that I may really lay the hammer when I take suite against this realty company for what they are doing. I have also remained withing eye sight of the old building so that I can monitor the activities as I prepare to lay the legal hammer. I have up to two years to take action so, by the time all evidence to support my claim in the public record has been gathered and ready to execute, they won't even know what hit them.... keep in touch.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 2 No Facebook


Day Two without my facebook page... I've had that Phareke facebook page for about four years now and I have only ever spent one morning off of facebook. Shit, it's nuts huh? I don't mean that I never get away from it but, the one time my page got deleted from spamming and then permanently deleted for telling the facebook workers to do their job and research the people who make the complaints, rather than just take everyone's word for it. Now I'm trying to put this band together and the lack of response I'm getting from these guys on facebook is frustrating. It made me realize that the site is something I'm beginning to take personal and I shouldn't. So, on the promise that I won't lose photso or friends if I decide to reactivate, I decided to deactivate. Feel good about it

Anyways, room for other things to think about and work on.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hedonic Entertainment Presents... BUNDOWN SOUNDCREW!!! Siiiiiiiick soundcrew coming to you LIVE from WINNIPEG MANITOBA!! Sweet SWEEEEET LIVE FUNKY HIP HOP! LIVE MC'S!! LIVE DJ'S!!!!/event.php?eid=162814933756926

Phareke n Thomas Workshop @ wired Monk Cafe, vancouver 2010

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jah Means God

Jah Means God

by Phareke Frazer on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 9:09am

Why did I make that my title? Well... it seems that when talking to me, some will use the word Jah, however, while talking to others they will use the word God. This is just fine, I have done the same thing. Using each in different ways, as, they are the same thing. Jah, God... Jah Means God. Who or what is God, I can go forever on it. Not sure why I brought it up... I woke up with the strong feeling on my mind. Two strong feelings. One is that I am slowly but surely caring less and less about what other's perception of me is unless they are someone working to get to know human me. The other is that Jah is God and that some people seem to only attach the word Jah to Jamaican culture. In fact, Jah comes from the Indian word Jai which too means God. Just like Ganja comes from the Indian word Ganga which is Cannabis Sativa aka marijuana. Now if you wanna check out my facts, please do so and if I have mistaken anything, let me know please. I mean, we only take what we learn and pass it forward.


I woke up with this feeling once... over three years ago. I woke up outta my sleep and out loud said the words, " I no longer eat pig"

Since then, I can't believe the kind of ridiculous scrutiny I've received over making the damn decision. It's pretty stupid actually. I mean, who really cares that I don't eat pork? What is the point of harassing me over it? I am telling you, I've been straight up harassed. It seems to be the big topic at any dinner table I sit at now. First the observation, "Oh he doesn't eat pork" Then the question..." Why?" Then my answer because I'm sick of answering, "Because it's a choice I made and wish to stick by" Then comes the rain of opinions regarding the decision. The trying to convince me that I gave up the wrong meat and how silly I am. Then there is the calling me a RASTA and the calling me MUSLIM and whatever else. I can go on about that too... I just might. As far as pork is concerned.. it's a filthy animal. Have you ever visited a pig farm? Now, people will jump up right away, as I've experienced and tell me how filthy a chicken is or a cow. Well, all animals have a degree of filth to them, especially us humans, however, check their diets too. I don't like the pig. Something in my gut tells me there is something wrong with the animal on both the physical and spiritual plain... period!!


There are elements of all religions that carry truth. The prophets that have been turned Gods actually exist and did wonderful things and spread wonderful messages and saved many peoples lives through inspiration, spiritual guidance and miracles (depending on your idea of a miracle), however, they were humans. Men and women just like us. As far as Rastafarianism is concerned... I was born in Bull Bay which is ONE OF the few, but not "the", original areas where Rastafarianism was originally born. The more I learn about where I come from the more Rasta I seem to be. I was told that I am a Rasta and I just don't know it yet. I am a man of flesh as well as a spiritual being on earth who was born from a woman who was created by a higher power. Rastafarianism was created by a man who believed in his people and believed in finding a path for his people to follow. Inspirational beliefs that can be matched with a strong black image... a black king on earth. I pray everyday to Jah... God. Everytime I eat, every time I sleep, every time I wake... I pray to Jah. Jah is NOT Haile Selassie I to me. Haile Selassie is Jah prophet. An man, working by the power and the hands of Jah. An image in the likeness of Jah as we too are images in the likeness of Jah. So if you take the dogma out of Rastafarianism then I am a Rasta. If you remove the dogma from Christianity and stop telling me that Jesus is my Only path to everlasting life, then, I too can find some truth in the lie. You see, I am what Muslims and Christians and Rastas are... seeking enlightenment... Everyone's truth is their own as the only collective truth is the un written and un spoken laws of the universe. Infinitely small within and infinitely large beyond makes us all each the center of a universe... make sense?

If any of these religions and practices insist on claiming a status of being right over the other, then, they defeat all their purposes, unless, that lie is their purpose. In that case, they practice and preach from the wrong place and spread a false sense of spirituality that exists to preserve the strength of a dysfunctional collective.