Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 2 No Facebook


Day Two without my facebook page... I've had that Phareke facebook page for about four years now and I have only ever spent one morning off of facebook. Shit, it's nuts huh? I don't mean that I never get away from it but, the one time my page got deleted from spamming and then permanently deleted for telling the facebook workers to do their job and research the people who make the complaints, rather than just take everyone's word for it. Now I'm trying to put this band together and the lack of response I'm getting from these guys on facebook is frustrating. It made me realize that the site is something I'm beginning to take personal and I shouldn't. So, on the promise that I won't lose photso or friends if I decide to reactivate, I decided to deactivate. Feel good about it

Anyways, room for other things to think about and work on.